Invitation to KOMORI Printology G37

Up to 16-page production optimize size and minimize costs

KOMORI Printology G37 Day
You are invited!
2 March, 2017

Thursday 2nd of March 2017, Brussels area - Belgium

10:30 – Registration and refreshments
11:00 – Komori as total a solution provider
11:10 – Albyco, experts in print
11:20 – Up to 16-page production, optimize size and minimize costs
11:40 – How H-UV & H-UV L can benefit your business
11:50 – Customer case study
12:00 – Printing applications and Q&A
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Coach to Leleu Printing
14:00 – Komori Lithrone G37 in practice
14:45 – Final Q&A
15:00 – Return coach to forum location


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