Komori Packaging Event

"Komori Packaging Event” on the 1st of June 2017!

Please find attached the invitation for the next “Komori Packaging Event” on the 1st of June 2017 at Komori International (Europe) BV in Utrecht, The Netherlands! During this day, KOMORI will utilize 3 showroom presses (Lithrone GX-640+C, Impremia IS29 and Lithrone G-540+C) and let you experience the packaging solutions from Komori. Attached you will find the official invitation including the programme.


10:30 — Welcome and coffee
11:00 — Komori as total Solution Provider
11:15 — Packaging in Focus
11:45 — Komori Lithrone GLX-640+C Demonstration
12:45 — Lunch buffet
13:30 — Komori Impremia IS29 Demonstration
14:00 — Komori Lithrone GL-540+C Demonstration
14:30 — Free walk-trough
15:30 — Closing

Register now with your local Komori contact - StarLett at pressinfo@starlett.lv

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